Getting to Know: Yarrow (Achillea millefolium)

Home > Getting to Know: Yarrow (Achillea millefolium)
Yarrow, surviving in my garden despite the clay soil.
Yarrow, surviving in my garden despite the clay soil.

Yarrow for Healing

Yarrow, an herb in the Asteraceae family, has been used for wound healing/vulnerary purposes since ancient times. According to folklore, Achilles (the Grecian battle hero), carried the herb while on battle campaigns to treat battle wounds.

This tough (it’s so tough that it grows in the incredibly damp, clay soil of my gardens!) herb can be found throughout the temperate climates of the Northern Hemisphere. It is often seen in the “wild,” though it is commonly found cultivated in many gardens. Like many herbs, Yarrow is happiest when its roots are in well-draining soil and otherwise “neglected” (e.g., left alone, not fertilized, in lean soil). Yarrow essential oil is steam-distilled from the leaves and flowering tops of the plant.

Yarrow Applications in Aromatherapy

  • Physical level: anti-inflammatory, astringent, cicatrisant, haemostatic, vulnerary, skin regenerative (just to name a few!)
    • Combine with Helichrysum in a compress for treatment of wounds or skin issues such as bruises or eczema.
    • It helps support the circulatory system (astringent and anti-inflammatory)–combine with Cypress in a salve or compress for varicose veins.
    • It aids with digestion–add ONE drop to a tablespoon of carrier oil (e.g., almond, jojoba) and massage onto a gassy stomach to sooth discomfort (add a drop of Ginger to enhance the carminative effect).
  • Emotional level: it is a balancing oil, useful for transitional times such as menopause, change in relationships, moving to a new location.
    • Put a few drops on a cotton ball and inhale the balancing goodness throughout the day (place the cotton ball in a compact or similar container to keep the oils from evaporating).
    • Add a few drops of Clary Sage and Geranium to enhance the balancing benefit!

Due to its carminative & stomachic properties, using the herb (not the essential oil) in an infusion (i.e., tea) may help with stomach cramps, expel gas or to aid digestion in general.

  • Take a tablespoon of the dried herb (or 2 Tbsp of the fresh) (e.g., leaves & flowering tops-chopped) and steep in hot water for 5-7 minutes (up to 10 minutes for a very strong brew). Sip and enjoy!
    • Try combining Yarrow with Peppermint (and Ginger!) to enhance its soothing & digestive qualities.

A fun fact: Yarrow essential oil is a blue oil! As the herb goes through the steam distillation process it becomes blue! This is due to the presences of azulenes in the plant.

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