Broken Bits of Joy: A Haiku

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It can be easy finding moments of clarity and joy. Not in big, expensive things but in small broken things: wabi sabi. This joy is not euphoria, but a brightness that brings a calm evenness. Little things that stay with you and help keep you going. Like seeing a hawk soar, collecting beach glass or appreciating a cloudy day for what it is.

Following is a haiku that came to me one cloudy, windy morning in late April of 2020 as I was looking for bits of glass among the rocks, shells and sand on my morning walk.

Bits of broken glass

Glimmering on the shoreline

Bring joyful moments

Beach glass from the shore of Long Island Sound

The compulsion to collect broken bits of flotsam and jetsam seems to be a primal instinct. Whenever I walk along the waters edge (any waters edge!) my eyes instinctively look for bits and pieces of broken pottery, shells, bones and glass. These little treasures bring much joy and brightness.

The human need to collect is amusing, isn’t it? Do you enjoy a similar compulsion? If so, what is yours?

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